If one of the mother-in-law's comes to visit, DON'T quarrel about anything in her presence. DO show her all the
time how happy you are together.
Mothers have the irritating tendency to think that nobody is really good enough for their child. Even worse: they want their kids to have a better life than they had. So any little misunderstanding between the two of you will make her doubt if you're happy, and as a result she'll do anything to make you see that you'd better break up. |
Parties are great. We all know that. But if one or both of you has some drinks, beware of the evil ghost of mockery.
Even if you're really irritated by something your partner does or did, NEVER say this in public. Do wait until you're
home where you can fight your quarrels out in peace. Mocking the other in public may make you feel good, especially if you know how to bring it in a humoristic way and you make people laugh. Watch your partner and you'll notice that he or she isn't laughing at all. There may be a slight grin when they try to save face, but they hardly ever succeed. Moreover, saving your quarrels for later has two advantages: 1) You have something to talk about for a change. 2) Afterwards you can make up by having passionate sex. |
Things NOT to say during sex...