Tip #3: his most sensitive spots
Now you know that deep inside he isn't really the macho you always thought he was, you probably already suspect
that all the well-known places to touch him aren't nearly as good as the ones we'll point you at below...
If you really want him to enjoy, you should stimulate:
- His forehead. Especially gentle kisses on this place will make him feel save and secure about your love
for him.
- His armpits, but of couse, only if he's recently washed himself. Now do mind here that you don't stroke too
softly. This only tickles him and although laughter is healthy, it will not make him more horny.
- The sides of his stomach, just above the place where he probably already is starting to grow 'lovehandles'.
Touch this place VERY softly, because he's more sensitive here than anywhere on his body!
- The backside of his knee. This will make him mad with lust for you....